EVSE Master app

EVSE Master app downloaden:

Apple (iOS) > App Store

Android > Google Play Store

* You can find the app for your Android-device by clicking the link above. You should pay attention to the following points :

1. Please check the boot screen of your charging station. The last two digits represent the version number of the charging station. You can see this interface of version number when the charger is power on.

- If the number is less than or equal to10, please use the EVSEMaster-10-.apk. downloadfile.

- If the number is greater than or equal to11, please use the EVSEMaster-11.apk downloadfile.

2. APK-files instal .

- Allow unknown sources. In order to run APK-files, you need to adjust a setting once within the menu of your Android-device. To do this go to Settings > Personal on your smartphone or tablet menu and then click Security. Now enable the Unknown Sources option.

- Download APK-files from your computer. Download the file and keep it in an easy-to-find location on your computer. For example, your desktop. Now connect your Android-device to your computer using a USB-cable. The copy the APK-file to a desired location on your Android-device. Finally, disconnect the device from your computer in a secure manner.

Now, in your Android-device's apps menu, search for and open the My Files folder. Go to the APK-file and select the Install option. Your EVSE Master app is now installed and can be used on your Android device.

- Download APK-files directly from your Android-device. You can also download the APK-file directly from your device. To do so, click on the previously described hyperlink and download your APK-file. The download will then appear in the notification center of your Android-device. Once the download is complete, click on the file to open it, at the bottom of the installation screen that now appears, click the Install option. Your EVSE Master app is now installed and can be used on your Android device.

In addition, it is also possible to change the amount of ampere or set a charging schedule. This is explained in the video below: